Destinations: USA
With approximately 12,000 golf courses, the U.S. has the most golf courses than any other country in the world. The variety of courses is unparalleled providing golfers with unlimited choice of desert, mountain and ocean golf experiences.
Hawaii – Oahu, Maui – The Big Island – 99 Holes of Golf and 9 Days in Paradise
More has been written about the state of Hawaii than any other place on earth and for good reason. Comprised of eight unique volcanic islands two thousand miles from the nearest continent, the U.S.A.’s 50th state is so geographically [...]
Reynolds Plantation – Georgia’s Peach
I've been on the road for nearly two hours. I've managed to navigate my way through Atlanta's frenetic bumper-to-bumper traffic and am en route along the I-20 to Greensboro, Georgia, home to the secluded confines of what Conde Naste Traveler magazine [...]
Streamsong Resort – Red, Blue and Black – Florida’s Streamsong Resort Redefines the Colours of Golf
Streamsong. I’m not sure where the name came from but it certainly has a gentle, melodic sound to it. Maybe it’s because Florida’s newest 54-hole golf destination is strategically located in an area of the state where there is [...]
St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Orlando – Exploring the Beaches and Bunkers
Most Canadians make their annual golf pilgrimage to Florida shortly after the pins have been pulled and the turf equipment stored away for the winter. Usually this mass exodus happens between December and March when thousands of sun-seekers flee [...]
St. Augustine, Florida Historic Coast – 450th Birthday
If birthdays become more special the older you get, imagine turning 450; especially if you are one of the fortunate few Floridians that call the charming city of St. Augustine home. The celebration, parties and fireworks have already begun [...]
Port St. Lucie, Florida – PGA Village
Welcome to 1916 Perfect Drive It is more than fitting that one of the best golf resorts in the U.S is located on a street called Perfect Drive. 1916 Perfect Drive to be exact, the address of [...]