Destinations: Canada
With more than 2,300 golf courses from coast to coast, Canada is home to some of the best golf courses in the world.

Kelowna – Perfect Pairings – Golf & Wine
What are the key ingredients that comprise a great golf destination? Obviously having a collection of outstanding golf courses starts the process; however, as the demands of the avid golf consumer intensify much more is required if you want [...]
Vancouver Island – Super and Natural
When you think of the best golf destinations in the world places like Scotland, Ireland and Hawaii immediately come to mind. Here at home, it’s not uncommon to hear avid golfers rave about the likes of Prince Edward Island [...]
Alberta – A Truly Great Rocky Mountain High Experience
When American journalist John B.L. Soule first coined the phrase “Go west young man” in 1851, he was referring to the opportunity that awaited anyone daring enough to travel into the American wilderness in search of a new life [...]